- Studies and Research

Written by
Dr. Christine Grimm
Onur Görkem Özcan
29. February 2016 · 14 minutes read
Dr. Christine Grimm
Dr. Christine Grimm works for SAP as Senior Researcher in large scale, publicly funded projects. Formerly, she has been employed as a consultant implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Europe.
She holds a Master of Science in Management as well as a PhD in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies from the University of Edinburgh. She lives with her family in Zürich.
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Onur Görkem Özcan
Onur Görkem Özcan is a young professional with multidisciplinary background in management and engineering. He currently works as Project Manager at Credit Suisse, based in Zürich. He holds a BSc in Electronics Engineering from Sabanci University and MSc in Management, Technology and Economics from ETH Zürich. During his masters studies he worked at SAP Research as an intern and thesis student, researching requirements engineering practices in research projects.
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