The course towards your final advertising
These are the steps for placing your ad in the Requirements Engineering Magazine:
- Step 1: Decide on the position of your advertising
- Step 2: Book the chosen position
- Step 3: Prepare the elements for your ad
- Step 4: Mail your ad elements (after confirmation of the booking)
- Step 5: Give your approval for the final ad, how it will be displayed online
Step 1: Decide on the position of your advertising
The following schematic depiction shows the positions of the ads on the front page and on each article page (sizes can vary):
For prices see the order form or Advertising Rates
Step 2: Book your advertisement
Please complete the order form and proceed as described there.
The ad places are reserved on a first come first serve base!
Step 3a: Prepare your ad elements - Basics
Ad elements are:
- Headline
- Text
- Logo
- Hyperlinks
- Background image
See “guidelines” for more details.
You provide the elements – we compose them
As the magazine is an HTML based online magazine, the advertisement possibilities are different from printed magazines or PDF online magazines. This requires some strict guidelines for the ad elements; however, it also entails an advantage for you: It is easy and reasonable to advertise as you do not need to design the final ad!
You simply supply the elements for the ad and the final ad is assembled by the editorial department of advertising. Font and font size are also defined by the editors.
The advantage of ”responsive pages”
The magazine pages are “responsive”, i.e. they fit into small devices (smartphone, tablet computer) as well as in web browsers. The responsive character allows switching the information of your ad depending on the displayed format; meaning that you can choose e.g. two different headlines for the same ad: one for the ad displayed on small devices and another one appearing on large devices. So you book one advertising including the opportunity for you to tailor the information to the size in which the advertising is displayed; the size of display will most likely correspond to the reader’s used device.
Example: Promoting an anti-virus software
Displayed on a small screen (e.g. smartphone)
- Headline: “Protect your smartphone…”
- Hyperlink: leading to a specific landing page for smartphone users
Displayed on a large screen (e.g. on a PC)
- Headline: “Protect your PC….”
- Hyperlink: leading to specific landing page for PC users
Step 3b: Banner Ads – Guidelines for preparing your ad elements
Banner ads are composed of the six elements listed in the table below.
Element | Requirements | Special features/additional information |
Headline |
Text |
Logo |
Hyperlink to be displayed | - nothing special - |
Hyperlink to be applied | - nothing special - |
Background image (optional) |
Step 3c: Sponsor Ads - Guidelines for preparing your ad elements
Whereas there is the opportunity for a headline, an advertising text and a displayed link in the banner ad, the sponsor ad is your company logo only. Sponsor ads are composed of the two elements listed in the table below:
Element | Requirements | Special features / additional information | |
1 | Logo |
The width of 175 px needs to be adhered most exactly! |
2 | Hyperlink to be applied | - nothing special - | - |
Step 4: Mail your ad elements
Fill the form for providing the elements for your ad in the Requirements Engineering Magazine and mail it to us.
Step 5: Give your approval
As soon as your final ad has been layouted by our editorial board of advertising we will inform you via mail about it. The mail contains a link to a preview website, which will show your ad (hyperlinks working) in three different sizes.
Please respond to with your approval or a description of the amendments you wish for your ad.