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Written by
Guilherme Siqueira Simões
Carlos Eduardo Vazquez
21. February 2017 · 15 minutes read
Guilherme Siqueira Simões
Guilherme Siqueira Simões works on FATTO Software Consulting (www.fattocs.com). He is author of a book on Function Points and of another book on Requirements Engineering, and has trained thousands of people from Latin America on these subjects. He has more than 20 years of experience on software projects. He is graduated on computer science and business management. He is a certified professional on function points by IFPUG and COSMIC, requirements engineering by IREB and PMP by PMI.
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Carlos Eduardo Vazquez
He has been a function point analysis user since 1991, instructor since 1993, certified function points specialists (CFPS) by IFPUG since 1996 and by COSMIC since 2012. In both certifications, was among the first Brazilians to hold them. In 2001, co-authored the book “APF: Medição, Estimativas e Gerenciamento de Projetos de Software”, currently in its 13th edition, with over 13,000 copies sold and the main reference book on the subject in Brazil. In 2016 coauthored the book "RE: Software Orientado ao Negocio” and became a certified professional for requirements engineering – foundation level – by the IREB.
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