- Studies and Research
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Written by
Maria-Therese Teichmann
Eva Gebetsroither
Corinna Unterfurtner
Alexandra Kreuzeder
30. April 2014 · 7 minutes read
Maria-Therese Teichmann
Having finished her diploma in quantum optics Maria-Therese Teichmann couldn’t resist meeting the complex challenges of Information Technology. For fifteen years she has been working at Software Daten Service GmbH as a business analyst and quality manager in banking software. Her focus there are long term quality decisions, which nowadays are more and more difficult to argue against business interests. Besides the business job she loves to work at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, was part of a gender project and offers classes in software evolution, relational databases and Software Engineering topics.
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Eva Gebetsroither
Eva Gebetsroither works as a Senior Technical Translator in the localisation team of Software Daten Service GmbH. Apart from translations and terminology management she is responsible for language quality assurance. Within the framework of her field of activity there are numerous connections to Requirements Engineering. As an expert in the area of languages and communication she focuses on the role of natural language in Requirements Engineering.
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Corinna Unterfurtner
After graduating in Communication Science with a focus on public relations and corporate communications in Salzburg and Shanghai, Corinna Unterfurtner finished the MBA in General Management with a focus on coaching, training and education. Corinna collected practical experience as a project manager at the University of Salzburg. Now she is responsible for project and requirements management, the training of new customers and support requests at an ERP business software for SME. Additionally she supports customers in process optimization and workflow design with the help of HELIUM V.
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Alexandra Kreuzeder
Alexandra Kreuzeder is the project manager of "ditact women's IT summer studies", that is part of the ICT&S Center of the University of Salzburg. She graduated at the University of Vienna in Sociology in 1997. Focusing on the processes of socialization, she started in 1998 a year-long research project concerning the gender socialization processes of girls and boys in kinder gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark. Returning to Salzburg in August 1999 she worked in the field of Internet Technology and was project manager of the ditact_women's IT summer university. From March 2011-November 2012 she took a time out to build up her own company "Salzburg Coaching" that offers communication and stress reduction training. Since last year she has shared the management of the ditact summer university with Carina Bachinger from the ICT&S Center.
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