- Studies and Research

Written by
Marie Garnier
Patrick Saint-Dizier
18. October 2016 · 29 minutes read
Marie Garnier
Marie Garnier is an associate professor in the English Department at the Université Toulouse 2 – Jean Jaurès (Toulouse, France). She holds a PhD in English linguistics on the topic of automatic grammar checking. Her research interests include the interface between syntax and lexical semantics in English, the definition and processing of errors produced by English learners, and linguistics-driven NLP. She can be reached at mgarnier@univ-tlse2.fr.
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Patrick Saint-Dizier
Patrick Saint-Dizier, PhD, is a senior researcher in Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence at CNRS, IRIT, Toulouse, France. He is specialized in discourse and semantic analysis. He has developed several national and European projects dedicated to logic programming, argumentation and technical text analysis. He is the author of several conference and journal articles and of 11 books. Besides foundational research, he has a long practice and experience of research and development activities. Contact: stdizier@irit.fr
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