- Methods

Written by
Brett Bicknell
Karim Kanso
30. October 2014 · 24 minutes read
Brett Bicknell
Brett Bicknell is an engineer at Critical Software Technologies and has played a key role in a number of formal methods initiatives, including the FP7 ADVANCE project. His software engineering experience encompasses varying levels of criticality and verification and validation activities. His previous work includes embedded systems, solutions for data acquisition and analysis, and a number of European-funded R&D ventures. He holds a BSc degree in Physics.
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Karim Kanso
Karim Kanso has worked within the field of formal methods and software engineering for many years, on various projects in the domains of transportation and aerospace. He has received a PhD in theoretical computer science, and is actively interested in the question of how requirement engineering can be applied to new disciplines, such as autonomous system engineering? He is currently working on the ADVANCE programme at Critical Software Technologies.
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