- Skills

Written by
Chris Rupp
Ulrike Friedrich
29. October 2015 · 15 minutes read
Chris Rupp
SOPHIST-in-chief (formally: founder and executive partner of the SOPHIST GmbH), chief consultant, coach and trainer. Looking back over 25 years of professional experience, a lot has come up: a company, 6 books, 55 employees, countless articles and presentations and a whole lot of experience. My passion for project consultation might account for the fact that, until now, I do not “only” manage, but I am still directly involved in projects and close to customers.
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Ulrike Friedrich
Human capital is not merely a phrase we do not live, it is one of the most important goods we have. With regards to my function as a Project coordinator, my aspiration is to target the optimized commitment of the individualized abilities, strengths and talents of the SOPHISTs. In addition, I am permanently looking for new employees for the team, taking care of our trainees, development of the staff and thus I am constantly supporting our executives. I benefit from my studies of Social Sciences, my multi-year experience in Human Resources and my sense for the positive.
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