- Practice

Written by
Edward van Deursen
Jan Jaap Cannegieter
30. April 2015 · 14 minutes read
Edward van Deursen
Edward van Deursen has over 25 years of experience in ICT-projects. He started as programmer and tester, later specialized in quality assurance. In the last few years he specialized in security. He, for among other things, is responsible for the development of the security services within SYSQA B.V. He also elicitated security requirements in different project.
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Jan Jaap Cannegieter
Jan Jaap Cannegieter has over 20 years of experience in ICT. Jan Jaap started as tester, specialized in Quality Assurance and has over 12 years of experience in requirements elicitation, requirements validation and requirements management. Jan Jaap is the co-author of two well sold Dutch books about requirements: ‘Succes met de requirements’ and ‘Grip op requirements’. He is also very active in the Dutch IREB community and Supporting Member of IREB.
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